EU to introduce mandatory vaccination soon?

It is high time to consider making the vaccines mandatory – the president of the European Commission said on Wednesday. She highlighted that the relevant decisions must remain the power of the member state governments.

According to, Ursula von der Leyen said we needed to talk about how the EU can encourage people to get vaccinated. She added that we also have to discuss the matter of mandatory jabs.

“We have to establish a common position in this question”

– she said.

Vaccination week ‘very successful’ in Hungary, says medical officer

According to MTI, altogether 218 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 10,466 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Thursday.

So far 6,138,885 people have received a first jab, while 5,852,417 have been fully vaccinated. Altogether 2,609,385 Hungarians have received a booster jab. The number of active infections stands at 187,795, while
hospitals are treating 7,450 Covid-19 patients, 550 of whom need respiratory assistance.
Since the first outbreak, 1,124,726 infections have been registered, while the number of fatalities has risen to 34,931. Fully 902,000 people have made a recovery.
There are 59,593 people in official quarantine, while the number of tests taken stands at 8,516,699.
Read alsoFourth wave peaking in Hungary?

Source: MTI,


  1. The EU and any other governmental entity can mandate whatever they like but getting 100 percent compliance is never going to happen because many people know the truth about these so called vaccines and the agenda to reduce the planets population by 90 percent down to 500 million people. This pure evil and is called democide or genocide. Were not the Nuremberg trials about the genocide of millions of people? Remember there will come a day when you will stand in judgement before God and when you tell him I was only doing my job. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself in a rather hot place. This includes the media, the people giving these injections and those who are trying to forcibly enforce the edicts of the Satanic elite.

  2. @”Wake up people while you still can”

    Sure, and your sources…are? The deep deep deep deep underground internet? Where stories just gotta be real…
    With fake medical licenses, credentials, and fake news reporters, most all of you story tellers will be in the furnace below for putting dumb fear in people and watching them die.

  3. @Bruce,
    All big corporations have court cases against them. Have you checked though, how they did in the wins vs the losses? Further, what does Pfizer have to do with this? The Mnra vaccine wasn’t developed by PFizer or Moderna, but Biontech in partnership for mass production. Go a little farther than in researching things than say, getting numbers on how many people died of Covid in Hospitals vs people admitted to hospitals for other serious condition who had Covid. Media has misreported many things in many ways, and bad information has deliberately been circulated likely for headlines, since Trump is out of the spotlight now and media needs its revenues…

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